Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

I am Exhausted!

What a busy day. I woke up at 5am, but managed to doze until around 7am. Then I got up and left the house at 9, picked up my friend and we were at the Kennet Valley Weavers, Spinners and Dyers Meeting by 10am. Chill and chat to people before the workshops started at 10.30am

My first workshop was 'knitted flowers' Initially I found it quite difficult and hard to concentrate on the really very easy pattern, so it took me longer than most to complete the blue (actually baby blue) flower. I did start the second one in the workshop but had to finish it at home (and somehow, I don't know I have an extra petal~I was told there should be five or six, but I've got seven!) I mean to have another go now I've mastered the pattern though!

After lunch (packed lunch), and the 'meeting' they have, the afternnon workshop started. I chose to do Dorset Buttons, which I had not heard of before. Once you start doing them, they are quite easy, and I'd almost finished the second one (though fiddly) by the end of the afternoon!

My friend who was teaching braiding took a little time to pack up, then I dropped her home and got in the door about 5.15pm. Put the oven on for jacket potatoes and sausages, and got on with finishing both my second pieces. Had my dinner, and then started trying to take pictures of my work. Tried with flash, without flash, on different surfaces, with a spotlight on and none of my pictures really worked, so I'm quite disappointed (and sure its to do with the lighting). Anyway here are my Knitted Flowers and Dorset Buttons!

I can't believe its 9pm and I've not done anything much since I came in. Just about to have a cuppa and watch Casualty, then I think I'm off to bed.....

In other news, thanks to resting so much yesterday, my back seems quite a lot better today which is a great relief. I was glad I took a cushion for my back as the chairs in the church hall were plastic, and I don't think I'd last that long without it!

Apologies for not catching up on your blips completely today, I'm absolutely shattered!

Hope you had a great Saturday blippers :)

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