
By Houseonahill6

Giant footprints in the sand

A beautiful morning so Mike dropped me near the caravan park and I had a lovely walk to the Point.The gorse bushes were covered in spiders webs, swallows flew over head , two turnstones pecked among the pebbles and a squabble between an oystercatcher and two gulls ended with the oyster catcher winning back it’s lunch.
A lost shoe had been placed on one of the poles , it looked like it had been there for a while.
As I walked down the path to the other side these huge feet greeted me :)
A small copper butterfly was on some of the daisies like flowers.
I knew I would probably have a long wait for the dolphins as it was just on low tide but I was quite happy to sit and watch what else was going on.
The starlings that roost on the lighthouse came down , lots of them turning over the seaweed to find sandflies and squabbling with the youngsters. A young Pied wagtail was taking advantage of the starlings hard work picking up the flies that had been disturbed.A young Herring Gull was playing tug of war with it’s parent who had caught a fish of some kind.A few terns flew by also with fish in their mouths.
The sun began to disappear and the wind picked up and I needed to get back so I gave up on the dolphins, it was a really slow tide and still along way out even two hours after low tide so Mike came and picked me up.
In the evening, Mike, David and myself went to Eden Court to see Kathryn Joseph play her new album.Very different and a dramatic set using mirrors and lights which was very affective .
We all shared a sausage supper on the way home.

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