
By Houseonahill6

Colourful bug

This red legged shield bug appeared on the agapanthus after I had cleared some of the Rosebay willow herb from the flower bed.Still a lot of clearing to do but I’ve made a good start.
We went over to The Bad Girl Bakery to get some breakfast.I had a very tasty poached egg with sun dried tomatoes , mushrooms and wilted spinach on chunky bread.It comes served in a sturdy cardboard box with wooden cutlery, not that easy to eat but I managed ;)
We drove down to Redcastle to eat it and got talking to an old gentleman in the car next to us.He was searching for the castle.His great,great,great Grandfather was Provost to Redcastle.His Grandfather was buried in Inverness and they had lived in Pinner for a while.
On to the new Spud hut which is looking great.Full of vending machines with fresh veg boxes,eggs and potatoes. We bought a veg box for £7, probably abit too much for us so hope they do a smaller one in the future.It had about 6 carrots, half a large white cabbage, broccoli , cauliflower and Romanesco broccoli .We has some of it with a roast chicken tonight.

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