Summer Staff Doo

It was a lovely warm and sunny morning.  After lunch, the wind picked up, and showers for the rest of the day. 

I've had the day off work, and up early to get on with chores.  By late morning, and most of the afternoon, I was in the peat hill.  There was slight drama when the trailer got a puncture, but tied in with mam popping by for lunch.  Thankfully big Brian and peerie Brian bagged up most of the remaining peats, and we got it home.  Been out for a meal tonight.  It stayed dry for walkies after the meal, and now feet up. 

It's been our summer staff doo.  The summer students will be heading back to university soon, and a good chance to catch up with colleagues, who we've not seen through the summer.  The menu was small, but the food was really good.  Clockwise from Trevor - Trevor Jamieson, Linda Fox, Christine Manson, Linda Nicholson, my seat, Kaye Riise, Sandra McArthur, Caitlin Leiper, Hazel Hunter, Barbara Anderson and Ailish Parham.  Taken at the Kveldsro House Hotel, Lerwick.  

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