
By K9tam

Learning to appreciate.

Emmeline learning to appreciate art.Today we went to the Whitworth Gallery in Manchester. It was  fascinating, although a bit weird in places. Jeff didn't get it at all. There was a lot for children to do and we were amazed that the whole experience is free throughout the school holidays. 

We shared the lift with 'Fizz' from Coronation street and her two children. We didn't say anything to her as it must drive these celebrities mad trying to have some private family time and being pestered all the while, but her baby seemed taken with us and kept waving 'bye bye' to us as they walked down the corridor.

Hayley's friend Amy, who works there put together a display of wallpapers. The shortest way for me to describe what was being portrayed was that in the middle of the 19th century manufacturers began to excel at quick production of affordable wallpapers - there was an ever increasing availability of papers from abroad (Familiar story?). The design reform movement wanted to control the high standard of design and quality. This exhibition is about the power of the people to choose what they wanted regardless of taste. The Victorian wallpapers in this collection (Extra) represent the range of 'good' and 'bad' taste. It was very bright and garish, and some familiar patterns in there too...... Sanderson came to mind.

The other extra which I've added the text to explains better than I could what it's about. Felt it was kind of parallel to some of blip's philosophy. 'Capturing moments in time that are lost everyday'.

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