Five things

By fivethings

There's been a murder

1. It's not often you see a decapitated giraffe on your way to lunch. Or maybe it is, I don't know, suppose it depends where you have your lunch.

2. Day 4 of being a high performing dry athlete and my coping mechanism is avoidance. Which means ducking out of a night out at the Cup Tea Lounge this evening. Knowing the people going and myself as I do, I'm guessing it won't be tea that's being drunk.

3. After this second day back in the office I'm still pretty sluggish. I haven't gone this long without an afternoon nap or industrial quantities of chocolate in a fortnight.

4. Lists written, big plans hatched, spider diagrams scribbled and I feel I've achieved albeit on a slightly slower kind of pace.

5. The first time I've managed to get an animal/insect/mollusk reference in into almost all my things for today. Seems a bit fishy to me...

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