Log Freuchie

By Freuchie

My Knight in Shining Armour

I had to call out the RAC this afternoon when I had a problem with my car.

The man on the phone said someone would be with me within two hours, but this chap, Tom, rolled up half an hour later having phoned first to tell me when he was 5 minutes away.

He was very chatty. I heard a lot about his interest in beautiful old buildings and how developers buy up large properties to acquire the land round about them to build on, then often let the old mansions fall into such a state of disrepair that they become dangerous and sometimes have to be demolished.

He also told me how incredibly rude some people are when he turns up in his van to help them! I didn't tell him how I'd nearly hugged him, but I think he was chuffed when I called him a knight in shining armour, even though it wasn't very original.

Thank you, Tom!

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