Enter The Dragon

So today we embarked on the first leg of The Accelerants International Tour. I say ‘first Leg’, it’s actually the only leg. We set off in a convoy of 3 VW camper vans from Church Lane at 10am, on our way to North Wales for a Festival where the band were headlining. Bill supplied everyone with tour T-shirts (beautifully modelled here by D, Matt and Bill). we arrived at the Festival at around half 2. It takes place on a farm, everyone camps, the whole thing is catered (including booze) and they even have posh loos and showers.
After setting up camp, we sat around in the sun with a drink while the band set up and sounchecked. There were a few acts before The Accelerants then they did their 2 and a half hour set and went down a storm. Alf did 4 songs with them and was fantastic. There was a great group of youngsters around his age who loved him and danced their socks off. Later we had a short visit to the silent disco (very amusing) then settled down in front of the log burner before crawling into our vans at about 2am.
My description doesn’t really do the whole thing justice, I’m short of battery life so trying to get this done before my iPad dies. But it’s a pretty amazing place and a fantastic little festival.

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