
This is Nick P or ‘Perky’ who, with his wife, Jane, run the amazing ‘P Fest’ from their farm in Crossenny North Wales.
We had a leisurely start to our Sunday, crawling out of our vans at about 9 o’clock to the smell of egg and bacon being cooked outside the farm house. Jamie and his family and Matt & Jingo stayed off site so they turned up to help pack up the bands gear . They said their goodbyes and headed back to Cambridge. It was a beautiful hot day so after breakfast and showering, the remaining 9 of us decided to walk to the local pub. We went cross country which wasn’t ideal for sandal wearers. We had a lovely roast dinner in the pub garden and took a different route back to the farm. Bill was in charge of the map and got us completely lost, trecking across fields of thistles, nettles, cow pats and even a field of 8 foot high maize. We eventually got back, hot, tired and nursing various stings just in time to join the rest of the happy campers for a pub quiz at 4 o’clock and raid the huge cool boxes which were being constantly replenished with wine, beer and soft drinks all weekend. Our team came an acceptable 6th out of 17. Dinner was a bbq then the entertainment started again; a really good covers band followed by the silent disco. We all had a boogie, the advantage being, you can take your headphones with you and dance wherever you like so we spent the rest of the night outside, dancing or sitting next to one of the large fire pits. If you’ve ever been to a silent disco you’ll know its one of the most hilarious things to observe; people wearing glowing headphones, dancing to apparent complete silence, accompanied by only the sound of their feet shuffling and occasional bursts of singing. We also squeezed in a game of ‘round the world ‘ table tennis. It was the funniest night I’ve had in a very, very long time. We reluctantly dragged ourselves of to bed at about 2, conscious of the fact we would have to pack up in the morning.

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