
Blipping this late - Sunday was a brilliant and full day!
We were at our home church in Sutton - such a joy!! We had the privilege of sharing a little bit of what's going on in Ibiza, and then selling our moisturisers and earrings to raise money for the homeless stuff we buy, and for more Bibles in Sa Penya. We sold stuff after the morning and evening service and raised a staggering amount - people are incredibly generous. Asha loved people liking her earrings, very affirming for her somehow! Especially knowing the money will go to something so good. 
After a lovely roast chicken lunch with the Parentals (a tradition in our family home!) we headed to see the Spencers. Asha and Annie hit it off last year which was special (their pic from last summer is on the fridge if you look closely). They hugged for ages as soon as they saw each other, lovely to see! Great to catch up with James and Gez. Annie had saved her slime making kit to do with Asha...that's what's going on in the pic. 
Back home in time for the evening service - wonderful to chat to so many folk. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) An incredibly supportive home church behind us. 
2) Asha enjoying kids church - she doesn't like big new crowds - she did really well.
3) Catch ups with so many folk.

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