Adiós England

We squeezed in one last coffee and catch up this morning. Aaron and Aimee lived in Ibiza for year when we were first out there - so good to catch up on news and see Nate and Livvy playing together.
Back to Mom and Dad's for mad packing. Danny did a brilliant job getting everything into too few bags!
Sad to say goodbye, Asha had a big sob in the car, poor love...
Thankfully we had a relatively uneventful drive to Gatwick...and then an uneventful flight home until the last [art where we landed in a thunder and lightning storm. We were glad when we were on the ground safely!
Home and bed by about 2am...tired but happy to be back in one piece. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Amy generously giving me an old phone - though unfortunately it doesn't like Spain! Argh!
2) Seeing Aaron, Aimee & Livvy.
3) Safe travel home...and Stephen waiting to drive us home - what a lovely friend!

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