Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

The answer

The clearing out/sorting of clothes continued today - I was in full flight. Three big bags full now. I found at least four different gilets!! JR joined in too, and added a bag full of her stuff.

A sunny day - our last for a while I fear - and a walk up the hill for Arch. Here he's pretending to be a zebra. Or maybe a tiger.

In the afternoon I went for my knee consultant consultation following the MRI. I was in and out of the hospital in nine minutes - a record! As anticipated, the scan confirmed the degeneration at the base of the spine, thus causing the leg pains. What can be done about it? Nothing - you don’t really want to go messing with spines. So I have my answer after three years. Still, plenty of people have worse ailments... I'll just have to get on with it (and try not to whinge about it too much) and maybe pull out the Nordic walking poles at some point in the future (as suggested by the consultant).

Thunderstorms predicted for tonight. Thank goodness it wasn’t last night with the Festival Fireworks Concert on. The Festival is over for another year - 2,800 artists from 41 countries, as well as 800 artists from Scotland, performed in 155 events across 293 performances, to an audience gathered from more than 79 nations. Epic!

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