Morningside to Leith

This afternoon we walked from Morningside to Leith, via the Waters of Leith.

We walked for nine & a half miles and for most of that time I was off my lead and was able to go into the river every time I got hot. Yay!

We had a lovely walk. The sun was shining and the sky was blue. The only thing that annoyed us.......................... was the cyclists who also use the 'Waters of Leith' walkway and don't bother ringing their bell??? Grrrrr..................... They creep up behind us and then Ann has to grab me at the last minute in case I walk in front of them and make them tipple topple of their bike????? Come on cyclists; it's a multi-use path. …..................You need to let us know if you're just about to run us down?!!


Edinburgh is the most fabulous city for a little puppy like me. There are sooooooo many long dog walks right in the middle of the city. ….............And then, when we get to the end of our long walk, we can just jump OK step sedately onto a bus and come home.


However, lovely BLIPPERS.............................. we do have a bit of bad news for you this evening...................... I WEE'D ON OUR NEW RUG!

As all of you lovely Blippers, who follow me regularly, will know............................ toilet training me has not been the easiest task in the world. But after 5 months of living with Ann she thought I'd actually 'got it'. I haven't had a wee in the house since the 3rd July.

This afternoon I was out for 5 hours and although Ann didn't actually see me having a wee, she assumed that I must have had one at some point???????

Years ago Ann worked for a boss who's favourite saying was, 'one should never assume'.

Normally if we've been out for a long time and Ann hasn't seen me wee-ing; before we go indoors she will take me to the grass next to my flat to see if I want to go. Sometimes I do & sometimes I don't.

Today, we got off the bus & walked the 2 mins home. I didn't get taken to the grass because Ann said, 'Trixie, we've been out for 5 hours. If you've not had a wee and you need one, you can have one on the balcony.' And as soon as we got in, Ann opened the balcony door for me.

Ann went to the toilet because humans know where the appropriate place to wee is and when she came back into the living room there was a 'wet' patch on our new living room rug.

So actually............................................... I'm not toilet trained after all am I???

Obviously Ann has just learnt how to 'manage' me.

.......................And I haven't learnt anything at all?????????????????????


PS – We had a lovely, lovely, walk today.

PPS - Ann is drinking wine because her 'puppy parenting skills' are obviously non-existent.  So she might as well just drink herself into oblivion???  

I'm NOT toilet trained.  I JUMP UP at people.  Oh and yes; I still do random CHEWING.

#Annstilllovesme xx


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