Cramond Island and other stuff

Our weather app is still full of little rainy symbols. A weather app full of rainy symbols makes my very lovely owner, Ann, depressed and bored. It's also cold. We've had to have the heating on for the last couple of days. It's August for goodness sake. Ann should be basking on the balcony in her bikini, not sitting in front of the fire?!!!

And because Ann went a bit mad during lock down (and chucked out loads of clothes when she was having a mega clear out) she doesn't seem to have many clothes now that the weather is colder. For the last five months she's just been slobbing around in dog walking clothes. And apparently there's more to life than dog walking. Her words, not mine. This morning I got left 'home alone' while she went off to M&S to buy a couple of pairs of trousers. Not sure she understands all this 'not trying on stuff'. After all if one brings stuff home, tries it on and it doesn't fit, one then has to go out again to return it. The goods sit somewhere for 72 hours before they go back onto the shop floor so surely it would be easier just to try stuff on in the shop and then it could be left for 72 hours and the customer would not have to make an extra visit to the shop to return stuff and in the process have to navigate public transport and lots more people. #justsaying …..............Oh and if anyone is interested, Ann went to M&S because she knows what their sizing is like so the two pairs of trousers fit so she doesn't need to return anything.

This afternoon I went to Cramond for my walk. Here I am with Cramond Island in the background. Cramond Island was 'out of bounds' during lock down. You can only walk over to the island when the tide is out. The tide was out today and there seemed to be quite a lot of people heading to or from it. We didn't bother because the tide was coming in and we didn't want to get stranded there. Also, although the rain stopped for about 45 mins, by the end of the walk it was raining so we ended up getting soaked again. Booooohooooo. Actually I don't care about the weather. I had a really good run about and now I'm a sleepy little collie pup.

And in other news....................... Ann was supposed to be heading off on a cruise this weekend. Obviously that's not happening. However, it would seem that a lot of Ann's fav restaurants in Edinburgh are going to extend the ''eat out to help out' scheme into September so maybe she can just spend the next week eating & drinking??!!! And pretend she's floating around  on a cruise liner in the sunshine!!!

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