One track mind
I might as well just come right out and admit it. I'm one of those annoying people who always has a few books on the go. But it's never intentional. Here are the books currently by my bed, in the order I started them:
The Fisher King (Anthony Powell). Have started this one a few times (since 1990) and just can never get through it. I'll read a few pages every few nights, and eventually give up on about page 170. I'll give it another chance in a few year's time. Along with that Quartet book by Laurence Durrell that I try every now and then.
Pies and Prejudice (Stuart Maconie). Reading this for the third time. It's an exploration of Northern England and is hilarious and illuminating - showing me every time I read it how little I know about the part of the world I come from. Compulsory reading for every northerner. This is one of those funny books you can have by your bed on a permanent-loop-read and pick something new up every time.
The Sexual Paradox - Troubled Boys, Gifted Girls and the Real Difference Between the Sexes (Susan Pinker). A psychologist's reading of the science of sex difference. Fascinating stuff - but heavy going for an every-night read. (Synopsis: boys and girls are a bit different.)
The Kitchen God's Wife (Amy Tan). The latest one I've picked up. My entertaining here's what I read before I go to sleep book.
In other news, Mr B's desk is finished! The light in the library is rubbish though - so no snap of that tonight. I might let you see the refurbished organ tomorrow after I've polished it if you're all very good.
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