Nose in a Book
World Book Day. What a great idea. Here's my celebration blip of all things bookish.
I was going to sort through all my books and find the ones I haven't read yet, and blip them as a sort of visual 'to do' list. Then I figured it might be better to drag out my 'books of shame'. No, that's not what you smutty lot are thinking, it's those books that I keep trying to read and just can't finish ('Catch 22', 'The Avignon Quartet', 'The Fisher King'. Funny how I find it hard to remember the names of books I love, but the ones that continue to defeat me are always lurking at front of my mind.)
Instead, here is the first book I remember loving. I know I had books before this one, but this is the earliest one I remember lying on the floor and losing myself in for hours on end. It is Richard Scarry's Busy Busy World, and this castle page was one of my favourites. It is also one of only two of my books that was saved from my mam's slash and burn policy on her kids' belongings once they left home (ok, slash and charity shop would be more like it - all I knew was I came back from College, my room was the guest room* and all my stuff was scattered to the four winds).
The title by the way is a nod to the name I was generally known as by my parents' friends "oh here's Sue, nose in a book as usual" from my habit of reading at all times.
This book is a bit tatty, but is now well loved by a second generation. And if they look after it a bit better than I did, it may make it to a third.
Speaking of the next generation, thank you for your well-wishes for Conor. He was up and down today but is generally much better. His, and my, day started at 3am when his tossing, turning and snoring made sleep (for me) impossible. I tried escaping to the guest room, but he rumbled that trick in about a minute. So I picked up a random book (nothing too taxing - one of the Young James Bond series) and read until it was time to get up properly. I really need my bed now! Happily Mr B is back from his godchildren tour of London (oh ok, some business in there too) so he can take the early shift!
*Still, better than being my sis, whose room is now the en suite.
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