Change of beds

This is a picture of Roxy on her own bed in the conservatory. I think she has enough of my bed as been on it day in day out for a week.

I am feeling a lot better, just now very congested in head (ear, nose and throat). I need this to go so I can get back in the office. The boss wants me 100% before I go back, as cannot have this lurgy in the office.

A couple of friends turned up today and brought some lemon tea and lemon muffins. They were delicious.

The Christmas decs have come down and packed away, I have some good friends, would be lost without them.

Tonight I did a stupid thing, rubbed some obas oil on my neck, chest and nose. Then went and rubbed my eye. Boy did that hurt! Could not see for a while and it watered badly. Silly me.

I am going to perhaps try a little walk tomorrow, see how I stand up to it, as it will be the first venture since last Friday. Going all goes well.

I would like to thank you for all your kind messages over the last week, nice to know I have so many blip friends out there.

Hope you all have a nice weekend.

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