It's a start
Well, I said I wanted to go to a rally - and no sooner said than done. A link to a #stop the coup rally in Norwich this evening appeared on my Facebook page this morning.
So we combined attending this with various other essential jobs - like buying a new TV. Yesterday we spent some time fighting with out TV trying to connect (via the Chromecast) to Netflix and iPlayer with no success. We'd had problems before, which then resolved spontaneously, and I suppose the same thing would have happened again - but I looked up prices for a Smart TV - and found that they were not outrageously priced, so we visited Curries/PC World* today and came out with a new TV.
We then parked in central Norwich, and I managed to kit myself with new swimming costumes - something else I've been intending to do for some time. A coffee outside the Forum was the next stop, followed by the rally outside City Hall. My photo was taken early on, just before the police bowed to the inevitable and closed the road in front of City Hall to traffic, and the crowds spilled out onto the road.
There were speeches, including one from our local Green Party MEP, and also from some youngsters who were too young to vote in the referendum 3 years ago. It was all wrapping up after an hour, so we retreated to the Forum for a bite to eat, before driving home. My extra was taken as we left. Not a bad turnout for a rally arranged at only 24hrs notice.
We've set up our new TV, and W is watching it as I do the blip.
* other TV stores are available.
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