View fae Stoura Roona

It was a lovely warm and sunny day, clouded over at teatime, with a few showers.  A windy evening, and a hairst feel.

Another day working on the museum desk.  With the fine day, it's been really quiet.  A quiet evening at home, some walkies with Sammy, and then covering an extra shift in the pub later.   Today is Shetland voting day in the local elections.  Thank goodness, I'm fed up hearing about!  It's certainly been an overkill by two parties.  Things will hopefully settle down in the next day or two.

A view that will soon to be common across most of the central mainland in Shetland, wind turbines.  These are fairly small, and can be seen from as far away as Foula.  The turbines coming will be almost the same height again!  They've already starting digging up the hills, and borrow pits, and don't even have planning consent yet.  The local council and Viking Energy are both serious crooks.  A few more small turbines for our own use, but we don't need over 100, and probably more as that to come.  Taken from Stoura Roona, Quarff.  

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