Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

A question of timing..

What's that bloody squeaking noise?.......

Stop the bike and have a fiddle...aha..fixed and get going again!

The car came from nowhere...strait out into the road, the driver looked shocked, brakes had seized from being left over Christmas, he was fairly shaken.

If I hadn't stopped to look at the dirt clogged brake calliper he would have smashed me to doubts....I would have been a mess....probably dead.


He knew it......I knew it.....

It would be too easy to attach some kind of cosmic purpose in the timing....develop some ideology, a spiritual meaning to my delay..........nope, shit happens.....that's it! Today....shit missed me and I get to walk on.

As I crossed the river (not quite the Tiber but it felt like one of those moments!) the birds were singing, such sweet discordant bliss, each calling its own mantra, yet together such chaotic harmony gave the impression of purpose...a universal accord...a point to it all. Nonsense really...we seek patterns...derive some meaning in the most flippant of things....our need to make sense of it all.

The great weir poured water into the lower river...I looked at the shot I had just taken...3 seconds shutter release....beyond the turmoil of the lock gates the river seemed suddenly like...showing little evidence of the maelstrom it had come from..... patterns..... like the moment reason for my possible death.....just the way it is....the outcome of a million million possibilities.

Like it all....that perfect shot that you manage to lights all the way....last tin of peas on the supermarket shelf....just possibilities....Mmmmmmm a little unnerving.


For me...time goes on....for some poor bastard...perhaps not....I'm grateful I got to hear those birds this morning! Always grateful!

Have a good one folks.....I will :)

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