
By Houseonahill6

Midmills - wasps

A REALLY wet night and day and the rain continued to pour for the rest of the day.
It was Open doors in several places in Inverness so we braved the weather and drove through flooded roads. We aimed to go to the Castle / court house first but it took us longer than expected and we could not park so we ended up at Midmills instead.David used to go to college here a few years ago before it was closed and now has been transformed into art studios , a display area and a Dark room . So light and inspiring, a few artists were around to chat with.Further work is being done to the remainder of the building where there will be a cafe that will be open to the public and areas for workshops .
We then managed to find a carpark nearer the castle and had an interesting tour of the Court house, this will be the last tour here as the Court is moving to a brand new building near the other old Longman college buildings ( which are being demolished) .It is hoped to be opened on 1st April next year and will also have a High Court.We had a look at the cells, very unpleasant with no windows and horrible toilets.We also had a look in the Prison Van. Some interesting stories from the prison guards.
After that we made a dash for the museum to see the photos of Nature in the City and the Flow photo fest where some of the photos had been printed at Midmills.
We had lunch in the cafe and the view from the windows look down the High Street, it was surprising how busy it was.
Had roast chicken for dinner.
Some of the Brownies had been to Glasgow to the Tartan Gig , down and back in a day.They were running late on the way back and did not get back till about 1.30am.No way I could do that !

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