
By Houseonahill6

Spot the Osprey

A couple of trips to Udale bay today hoping to see a Little Egret that had been spotted the day before and to see what else was around. The tide was to far out the first time although there were still a few birds including several heron, Canada geese and various gulls.We waited till high tide for the next visit and , what was left of the grassy banks was covered in birds .Something spooked them, possibly the Peregrine Falcon although I did not see it but the sky was just filled with birds of all sizes .
The Osprey flew in later with a fish and we got some distant views.It’s in the photo, can you see it ?
I found a painted rock in the birdhide.I’lol take it to Orkney to rehide :)
A much better day weather wise with just a few heavy showers.

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