Nymphalis antiopa - Mourning Cloak
More visitors arrived today - Livia and Roger came for dinner and are sleeping over in their camper van. They are both keen photographers so we spent the first hour wandering around the garden taking pictures of plants, bees and butterflies. The photographed visitor was a particular beauty that been hanging around our front door all day and was back again. They are strong fliers, according to Wikipedia, and this one looks like it's done a lot of rough flying! All over Europe, and in the USA, it is known as the "mourning cloak" ("sorgmantel" in Swedish) but in Britain it was first spotted in Camberwell, and so is known as the Camberwell beauty!
Once we'd finished photographing we settled down to a glass of wine, and then moved onto dinner and chat. Around midnight they left the house and walked down to their posh Knaus Box Star camper van. Once outside we all looked up to the heavens because it was the first night since darkness returned that there was a real display of the starry night - there were so many stars it was hard to make out even the common constellations!
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