The ant and the wasp...

Wasp: Get out of my way
Ant: No. You move
Wasp: I'll head butt you
Ant: I'll head butt you first, so MOVE

Wasp moves carefully to his right - see the first pic on the collage in extras
2nd pic top row, the same wasp is pretending a nonchalant dance and you can see the ant's black bum on the branch behind him
3rd pic top row - too many wasps trying to gobble up the honeydew dropping from above from the aphids

Middle row, 1st pic is I am pretty sure the same earlier wasp still doing his nonchalant dance...
Middle row 2nd pic - too many wasps trying to get drunk on the honeydew. Yes the wasps do end up drunk and have fights
Middle row, 3rd pic - ant appears and so wasp veers to his left

Bottom row, 1st pic, the ant is going up and down the branch keeping the wasps in check
Bottom row, 2nd pic, 3 wasps are having a heated discussion...
Bottom row, 3rd pic, same 3 wasps suddenly dive into each other and have a free for all fight, and one wasp falls off the branch leaving two wasps head locked in battle

I have another pic for immediately after this which shows 3 ants rushing on to the branch to break this fisticuffs fight.

I must have taken hundreds of wasp photos today on my iPad. They are very interesting looked at in sequence.

Eventually there was too much honeydew which landed on my iPad so I had wasps crawling on my iPad screen trying to clean it up as I am taking photos and videoing for the grandchildren. So I had to retreat to find baby wipes...

These tiny ants have no fear of the wasps. The ants are boss. The ants protect the aphids, they have a symbiotic relationship. I find this riveting to watch. The ants take care of the aphids and even enslave them.
More information is here within this link. It is very interesting

Have a look at my Monday 1st Sept post (a couple days ago) on the wasps in my garden and why I find them riveting, and I don't mind standing among them as they are flying around and on me. I have been doing this every September for about 15 years now.

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