The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Extra Mile(s)

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was tricked into another longer than planned cycle today by someone different. Is there some sort of cycling conspiracy? The plan was 40 miles. Dodzilla decided that he was going to change the route and assured me that it was only slightly longer. This assurance was complete and utter b0llocks. We ended up doing 50 tw@tting miles. That’s an extra TWENTY FIVE PERCENT! It reminded me of long car journeys with my parents and being told that we were “nearly there” or “it’s just over the next hill” albeit without the arguments over who had more room or being looked at “funny.”

It was a very nice afternoon although I decided to have a short nap when I got home and woke up two hours later. I’m blaming the last 10 miles.


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