The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

This is the first weekend that that we have had no plans. Kitty Cat invited us for drinks tonight but I declined as I just wanted to hang at home and be Normal. It’s been a busy few weeks and I am quite firmly in cave mode.

Our next door neighbours, The Browns got a gorgeous black Labrador puppy a week ago from the same place as Murphy*. Her name is Bella and if she goes missing in the middle of the night, IT WILL BE NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. Murphy and Bella have been saying hello through the fence and The Browns asked us to pop round so they could meet properly. Murphy eschewed social niceties by digging in their flower beds and stealing Bella’s toys, especially the monkey we had given her. The toy looked the worse for wear after Murphy and Bella had been playing tug of war with it. I’m not sure that Pets At Home allow for the ‘Murphy Factor’ when they claim that toys are indestructible.

We settled down to watch a film and the choice was Mission Impossible 2. It was ok. Mainly because it was so cheesy that it made me laugh. That whole face mask thing. How many times can you do it in one film? To be honest, I don’t really dig action films. I know spectacular car chases and fight scenes look really impressive but I get bored. It’s silly really. I can completely suspend disbelief for superheroes, vampires and werewolves but my brain keeps telling me that action films just seem too far fetched!

I did, however, love the line...

“Mr. Hunt, this is not Mission: Difficult, its Mission: Impossible. Difficult should be a walk in the park for you.”

The film didn’t really matter anyway. I was happy on the sofa, with all of us eating minstrels and maltesers and chatting about what a tw@t Tom is.


*The breeders. Not his mummy’s tummy.

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