The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Job Done

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I decided to do my duty coffee with Donald today as it’s been months.

He was always a right moany git and retirement has given him even more time to think up even more inane things to moan about!

He has actually turned into a proper curtain twitching type. He spent a good 10 mins complaining about one of the neighbours in his stairwell being careless as she brings in her bike WHICH MIGHT CHIP THE PAINT. Imagine the crisis. What is society coming to? How is it even possible to give a rats bum-hole about this kind of stuff?

I retreated mentally and started replaying my earlier conversation with you O’h dear. He’s lucky I hadn’t had beans for lunch!

I went for a walk with Murphy when I came home and passed a little girl and her dad. “Look, that doggy has a halo,” she said.

Out of the mouths of babes.


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