
Arrrrggghhhh.....  Just when you think you're sort of, just about, maybe in control...

He wasn't very well this morning, and we did the terrible, terrible working parent thing of deciding he was well enough to go to nursery.  And yes, I hate any parent who does that and risks my child picking something up. 

The call came just after 10am this morning, so he wasn't there long, and off I trotted to collect him.  I had something I couldn't miss this afternoon, so it was a tag-team with the husband.  I managed to get some food in him at dinner time (by which time the husband had to leave to go to London for the evening).  To feed him, he curled up next to me and wanted to be fed.  And yes, I indulged him... 

He's tucked up in bed, didn't even want stories.  However, the youngest, who fell asleep in the car when I went to collect him just after 4, woke up briefly when I took the eldest up to be, changed into pyjama's and curled up back in his bed.  Please, please let him be ok. 

Granny is on her way over to help look after one pooly boy tomorrow, two is too much to ask and of course, there are all kinds of meetings in the diary for both the husband and I.

It's all a great, big juggling act.  

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