The afternoon after the day before

I didn't take a picture today (now yesterday), so a picture from Saturday instead.  Far better as today (Friday) had very little to report - aside from a wailing youngest at dropping off time at school who is finding it hard not being with his brother and good reports for the eldest at school.  It's good to know that he is finally in the right school for him. 

We've come away to a forest cabin for a weekend with Granny and Grandpa, we all kind of need a weekend away and I think it will do every one the world of good.  This was Granny and Grandpa this afternoon, it was the second time the boys were in the hot tub for the day and pester power certainly worked well - with few complaints! 

Long drive here, I told the husband that we had to leave after supper so that the boys would go to sleep in the car, and that was far better idea than his of travelling a couple of hours sooner.  I was wrong, the boys didn't sleep a wink and instead ran out of the car when we arrived dashing all hope the husband and I had of a sneaky hot-tub after the drive.  Instead, we had to 'unwind' the boys who went to bed at 10pm (!!!!!) 

Today I'm grateful for
A weekend away
The eldest settling in well at school and having a good teacher 
The youngest having the eldest at playtime's, he's finding the start of school quite hard 

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