River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Buddleia “Black Knight”

Sunny when we got up this morning but blowing a gale!!
MrD went off on his motorbike, I put a load of bedding in the washing machine and got them dry outdoors.
Collected seed from a dainty yellow Euphorbia from the narrow garden, having difficulty identifying it ...
Whilst in the narrow garden pulled up some nettles which were taller than me, lucky I have double thickness gardening gloves!! Green bin full to bursting!
The buddleia is one of my new ones, repotting after finishing flowering to try to get a much bigger plant next year.
I finished watching 800 Words Series 3 a few days ago and found “Elementary“ this afternoon, American series loosely based on Sherlock Holmes with female Dr Watson, it’s ok.
Goodnight all x

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