A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

No tinselitis in sight

Apparently the tinselitis joke doesn't get funnier the more you say it. Guess I'll have to pack it away and see if my family's senses of humour develop over the next 12 months.

Not sure why I'm posting such a forlorn looking picture, it's been a lovey day. And not over yet. The earliest start in two weeks to get the kids to their respective dancing and football classes was a little tough but sort of nice too. And I even eased myself in to next week with a little gentle work whilst waiting for Anna.

And with all that activity under their belts they were more than happy with a staying at home, not doing very much, afternoon. Me and J had a game with his new USA version of Ticket to Ride but most excitingly of all Carl taught us all how to code. I'm aware that might sound sarcastic. All I can say is:
>10 PRINT "Geeks Rule The World"
>20 GOTO 10
>30 END

I think.

Later there will be Carlos lamb curry, a fire and more Breaking Bad.

A fine start to the term.

Lesley x

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