Feeling better

By Suziep71

This could be painful if it wasnt a picture

I tried to get out today to take a blip but what with the food shopping as the last of the decs being put into their resepctive boxes, I didn't manage it.
So instead I had an idea to do a blip at work and here is the result.

It's not as sharp as I would have liked it (pardon the pun) but I will try again another day.

This was an green 21 gauge needle inserted through an orange and water pushed through via a syringe.

When we first did our training if you weren't brave enough to let someone inject you with saline to practice on before we were let loose on proper patients we used to stick needles into oranges. There is not much similarity but hey we had to start somewhwere.

Good thing that happened today-
I think that my steroid injection might be working.

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