River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: Russian Roulette

The washing machine saga continues ... Sunny morning so put a load of laundry in machine & it turned itself off, so I rotated the dial until I found one it liked ... synthetics ... fingers crossed ... it worked! Washing dried outdoors!
Cleared part of the garden behind the garage. The Hemp Agrimony which I got excited about https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2347100572223537775 has turned into a thug and taken over ... it’s now been removed and I’ll keep removing it, would like a mini wildflower meadow like this https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3239337 again next year.
Lovely phone chat with my daughter this afternoon, hope you and Cousin Idris had a nice walk :-))
Extra evening Photo ...
Happy Weekend everyone x

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