Super proud

Got in about midnight
Got to sleep about 1am - we really should learn not to chat when we get home late!
Wom was awake at 4:30am

It’s been a long day

Munchie and I headed to drop entries for the show off. Then went to tap followed by ballet. I managed to do some work which was useful. Dropped off sienna and then went to the pool.

We got home about 12:30

Then headed off to the alfrick show.
It was heaving.
A fab haul of certificates
Munchie got
1st superhero vegetable
3rd egg box animals
3rd gingerbread man
3rd photography

Wom got
2nd egg box animals
Highly commend photography

Munchie won the cup again- so happy for her.

Ended up going to the talbot for tea
The children shared sausage egg and chips and then had apple crumble

Absolutely lovely day
I’m shattered

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