
By rachelbruce


My mate Brian is over to say cheerio before he heads off to Australia for a while, may be for a year. He's been in Berlin for a bit so a lot to catch up on before he disappears again.

Anyway must get ready to go to the Aviator (new plush hotel in Farnborough) and then the Gurkha Palace for a goodbye curry.

I know this is not a great portrait: fuzzy and no definition but I just want to get blip done. In fact Bri, who is affectionately known as inspector gadget (amongst other things), was taking the p out of my camera a bit last night anyway so a fuzzy portrait proves his point...or is it my photography that is at fault?

p.s. Think I might've persuaded him to set up a blip account for his time in Australia; we'll see. leaving curry pic

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