
By rachelbruce

Work life balance

Here is a little snippet of my work email in-box. Over 19,000 unread emails in the in-box. How rubbish of me. I quite like the line "Favorite Folders" - what?!?

Today is quite a momentous occasion; for the first time in nearly ten years I'm going on leave and I will not do any work whilst I'm away. I have arranged for my email to be diverted away from my in-box so I won't be tempted by the winking red light on my blackberry. I have handed over urgent work to other colleagues! it is quite hard to do this in our place as we don't have any slack in the system but for gods sake I cannot be that important and we're only talking ICT for education it isn't life or death.

I've got a few more hours to do today and then fingers crossed I'll have handed all the stuff over and from Monday all email will be diverted.

A couple of weeks leave with NO work; what will I do with myself?

[For those that know me: yes I had six months leave not that long ago but I dipped in and out of work throughout so it doesn't count]

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