Balerno to Morningside

Today the sun was shining and the sky was blue so Ann said, 'Trixie would you like to go for a big long walk? We need to make the most of this lovely weather.'

Sooooo....................... we jumped stepped sedately onto a no. 44 bus and went to Balerno and walked home via the Waters of Leith and the canal which was about seven and a half miles. It was a lovely walk but it seemed like the whole of Edinburgh had the same idea as us because there were loads of people about. I had to go on my lead for some of it because there were zillions of cyclists around. We don't like cyclists because hardly any of them ring their bell to tell us they're behind us. And some of them are just downright rude! They zoom along at about 100mph with absolutely no regard for anyone else. Grrrrrr....................... It's a shared path. They should show a bit of respect for other users. Today we saw one almost crash into a little kid because he was going far too fast and the little kid didn't know a cyclist was behind him so almost walked in front of the said cyclist. And what did the cyclist do?......................... Gave the parents a mouthful of abuse, zoomed off and almost knocked down a dog a few metres further on?!!

Anyway when we got to the Colinton Dell section of the walk I was allowed off my lead again because we were walking on a path where cyclists don't go. It was still stressful though. For Ann, not me. I kept running off into the woods because I could smell squirrels. As far as Ann knows, I didn't even see any squirrels today. I just know what squirrels smell like and I seem to think if I follow their scent I might catch one. Unfortunately their scent normally goes up a tree. And I can't climb trees. Grrrrrrr.......................

Once we got home we both had to lie down and have a little snooze. Ann's plan was to go for a swim tonight. But she's too tired. She's signed up to 'Swimming down Dementia' so has 34km to swim before the end of October. That equates to 2000 lengths of 'Juvenates' pool. She's only done 130 so far so only another 1870 to go then. #nopressure  If anyone wants to sponsor her we'll put in a link at a later date.

And that's been our day. I got early dinner because I hadn't eaten any of my breakfast and I was really hungry after my big long walk. And Ann has just made a cottage pie and put carrots in it. I LOVE carrots so I've had a couple of bits as a little treat for being the most adorable little puppy ever.

An evening in front of the TV beckons. Happy Sunday Evening Blippers xxx

PS – Ann will be going swimming first thing tomorrow morning so that she can't use the excuse that she's too tired later on in the day. Lol!!!

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