Bertie the Beardie

This afternoon I went to the park and just look who I met................................. Bertie the Beardie. I first met Bertie last Thursday when I went to the park with my little friend 'Archie the Schnauzer'. I LOVE Bertie. I think I might ask him to be my boyfriend. He's 22 months old and is such good fun. He can run as fast as me and he loves whizzing around and playing in the burn.

I played with him for the full length of the park and we'd just about got to the end when he had to turn around and go back the way we'd come because his owners daughter & grandchild had come into the park to meet him.

Ann captured me and put me on my lead for a couple of mins because we always walk across the bridge and then walk back along the other side of the burn.

Once we got to the other side of the burn I got let off my lead again. I went into the burn for a bit of a cool down because playing with Bertie had made me very hot and thirsty. Ann couldn't see me in the burn because there was too much undergrowth blocking her view. But I didn't come out at my 'get in' spot and she couldn't hear me splashing around. After a few minutes seconds she started to panic because she didn't know where I was and she couldn't get to the burn to look for me because of the undergrowth.

Ann likes to know where I am at all times. She was yelling, 'Trixie, Trixie come'. I could hear her shouting but I chose to ignore her because I had spotted Bertie at the other side of the burn and I wanted to play with him again. So do you know what I did? I just got out of the burn at the opposite side to where Ann was and went off for another play with him. Ann didn't have a clue where I was and she was really starting to panic. But then she met a few other dog walkers who said, 'If you're looking for Trixie she's playing over the other side with Bertie.' Phew!!! Ann was so relieved.

We go to Braidburn Valley Park a lot so are getting to know some of the other doggies and their owners now. Yay!!! …..............But that's still no excuse for me not coming back the minute that I'm called, even if I am playing with the most handsome doggie in the world??!!


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