Another blast from the past

Birding at Sapsucker Woods spring of 2016 was good for finding a few cute little kinglets and a prairie warbler and a lot of yellow rumped warblers in the trees by the little pond. I was dismayed this spring to find they had cut those scrubby little trees down all around the pond! Where are the warblers to sit! That has been a pretty reliable place to find the yellow rumped warblers every year. 
I am still slogging through my photos , merrily we delete along...
It has been a difficult week for several friends of mine and I find I am trying to pray for their hospitalized husbands, for the mother of an abusive alcoholic son, and for parents who have unexpectedly lost their young adult son to an undiscovered congenital  heart condition .I find myself more often just looking up at the sky  wondering if I know how to pray .Most of time I think I just say please and hope .

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