The ayes have it ......

A wet morning followed by a showery , breezy afternoon.
A day spent next door tagging calves and moving them and their mothers to different fields.
No time for lunch and once we were finished had to nip to Penicuik to get more dehorning paste ready for more calves , hopefully tomorrow .
Then in to see my contractor about ploughing the winter barley ground ready for seeding. Was offered a coffee, so would have been rude to refuse ! Turns out Mrs R had been mixing with royalty today , meeting Princess Anne on a farm visit for RHET. (Royal Highland Education Trust) which organises school visits to farms to educate school children about farming and where their food comes from.
Wee Meg the pup was so full of beans that she wouldn’t stay still long enough to get a photo. Still, half a head is better than none !

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