Fortunately, unfortunately...

Today I went to the Apple store for the one-on-one training session I had scheduled. I needed help on several things, including some email and iMessage things. Unfortunately, because my contacts were crashing every time I opened them, we couldn't work on those things. Fortunately a young man at the Genius Bar was available, and he was able to fix the problem with contacts. Unfortunately, by the time he fixed them, it was too late to work on the things I had set up the appointment to get help with, so I will have to go back for that another day.

* We had planned to go for pizza at California Pizza, but unfortunately Bob was feeling "under the weather," so we came straight home, but only after I had waited a half hour for him to come back with the car to pick up me and the computer, while he was, unfortunately, enjoying hot chocolate in Starbucks and waiting for me to finish the appointment that was well past being finished!

* Unfortunately, when we got home and I unpacked my computer, we discovered the Apple store "genius" who packed it after my appointment had left out the power cord, so unfortunately we had to drive the half-hour back to Legacy Village to get it. That time we did eat at CA Pizza, and fortunately it was good, so we returned home a little less frustrated.

* Back home again, I plugged in the computer so I could publish my Blip for the day, and unfortunately discovered that I couldn't open the Blipfoto website. It repeatedly "timed out."

* I gave up, went to bed, and waited until this morning to post this blip!

There were more frustrations that I won't bore you with; I'm sure you get the picture. One thing that wasn't a frustration was my morning photowalk. Fortunately I was spoiled for choices to post on Blip, but since I can only post one, here is the runner-up.

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