The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Marina had her mid-year review today and she was gone for aaaages. When they came back, I mocked The Boss...

ME: OMG, how long did that last? You’ve pretty much just stolen time from her life.

TB: Don’t worry, it lasted at least 20 minutes longer than yours will.

Me: Erm, you mean the one we had last week?

Slightly awkward pause.

TB: Whaaat? Oh yeah. So we did. Sh1t. Did I have any actions from that meeting?

Me: Yeah, you have to GTF!

Who says that process is a waste of time? In fairness to The Boss, all we did was swap naughty dog stories. I bet Marina didn’t get off so lightly.


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