
By DrSandy

Flying feather taxi service

This was the scene that greeted me, as I loaded Mom into the car, at 8 am. Somehow a feather, had wedged onto the car.

It made me laugh and seemed the perfect blip, to represent my day of driving Mom around.

The plan was :
Stop number 1 - the tax office
Stop number 2 - the eye doctor
Stop number 3 - the bank
And then home James, don't spare the horses.

For the record..........we just made the eye doctor, pulling in a minute before 11 am -  the scheduled appointment time.  We never made the bank, because the eye doctor, finally looked at Mom's eyes at 2.30 pm.

It turned out, there were 3 people scheduled for 11 am.  Since we were the last to arrive, we were the last to be seen.  Eish !   It is hard not to look at this guy, as a money making quack. 

On a positive note, despite her claims that her eyes are deteriorating - officially her eye, was marginally better. 

Since we skipped the bank, I was able to make it, back in time for STEP.

The catch, I felt  awful, so my STEP class, was a pretty muted affair.  I woke up with a sore throat, which got progressively worse, as the day progressed.

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