Eleanors photos

By Eleanoragain

Voodoo Donuts

What more could anyone possibly want ? The queue was a bit daunting this day, but later on in the week a huge pink box of 13 donuts for $10 was bought and demolished.

We honestly tried to do Christmas shopping, but we failed .. so difficult to seriously shop when you have no idea which shops are deadly, which are way too pricey, and which will have just the right thing. But the bookshop deal with most things.
This day we spent some time looking at a market of handmade stuff by the riverside. Portland is a real hangout of what our American freinds called 'museli people' (ageing hippies). But some lovely handmade crafts, as well as the usual tat.

Another thing to love about this city is the trams - a really great network of trams with a considerable portion (the centre) being free. We could walk 10 mins to a tram and get into town free. The buses here are great too - all seem to be kneeling buses, with ramps, some seats that by law you must vacate to make room for wheelchairs, built in wheelchair safety belts/anchor points AND freindly 'operatives', and bike racks on the front of the bus. However, you do have to have the correct change, or they won't let you on....

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