
Today has felt full of people...and rain! Very dramatic weather here!
Nate and I did the rounds this morning and saw all kinds of folk. It was incredibly windy, later as we walked to school that turned to torrential rain! 
Mid morning Beverley came over for a cup of tea. She and her other half lived here for a year and she's back for a week! Great to catch up.
A wet and wild walk to school and then straight from there to our team meeting in San An (pictured!). It was my turn to lead our prayer time - I've found this song really encouraging recently so played it as part of our time together. It was beautiful praying with crashing thunder rumbling round, special!
Home and extra food cooked for friends on the street. Thankfully Danny was delivery man (in the torrential rain - over his ankles deep!).

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Music that moves me.
2) Time with B.
3) Drama in the skies.

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