Double Shot Mummy


Atlantis Aquaventure

We decided to tackle the Atlantis water park today! The car was loaded to the brim with everything you need to take two toddlers and a baby to a water park. It is only 5 minutes down the road from where we live on the Palm.

Stu and dad went off to do some rides while mum and I watched the twins and I held onto Maple in the shallow pool area. It was very hard to keep an eye on them all as Oscar wanted to climb in and out of the water ring/boat thing provided by Atlantis. He actually escaped at one point and it took us a few seconds to track him down. All sorts of scary thoughts went through my mind as I stood with Bailee, holding Maple and mum went off looking for him. Child visibility is not good there as there are sun loungers everywhere blocking your view and it is very busy. Oscar was found on the other side heading up the ladder towards the huge water castle construction.

Apart from that adventure, the twin's loved sitting in the water rings with my mum pushing them around. When dad and Stu got back we all enjoyed a 'Yogiberry' ice-cream. I can officially say Maple tried her first teeny tiny taste of food.... grandad's yoghurt ice-cream. She smacked her lips together and looked around for more. I will not be properly introducing her to solids until she is at least 7 months. As a mum of three, I remember being really excited about weaning the twins. In reality it is just another messy, expensive and time-consuming activity to add to those you already have. I am proud to say, however, that Oscar and Bailee are the most fantastic eaters. All the time and energy I put into making them good, proper food has paid off. I am proud of how well they eat.

Mum took this picture. The picturesque scene was captured on our way to watch people swimming and playing with dolphins. The Burj al Arab is in the background.

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