
I'm enjoying a renewed interest and level of involvement with social media via blip and ravelry since getting iPad mini for Christmas. One of the fun things about our knitting group on ravelry is when we work on the same challenge or knit a long. Someone suggested a lovely homespun shawl KAL for February and everyone declared January FAL (finish a long) month to clear the decks for the new year and prepare to cast on for the KAL.

I only have had 3 projects outstanding and completed one of them today (socks for Noah). Next will be the homespun shawl I mentioned yesterday. I'm going to try to maintain momentum when I go back to work tomorrow. It's soooo easy just to zonk out and do nothing after 12 hours out the house but I feel so much better when I've done some crafting or interacting and I'm planning on starting up my exercise bike again.

Last time I joined in 5x50 where I cycled 5km a day for 50 days. I think this time I will aim to clock up 50km a week so I can make up time at the weekends if needed. Walks also count so with more light and hopefully brighter weekends ahead its time to get cracking again. I've managed to maintain the loss of 1 & 1/2 stone since I came back from Carradale last July but I have a loooong road ahead. If its broken into chunks with the odd slip along the way, I'm ok with that as long as the direction is down and overall progress is maintained.

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