twinned with trumpton


With the boys deposited up the street for a Monday off school, I consoled myself that whilst they had the day off, after my one day in the office, I had the rest of the month off! Ha!

So in and I set about doing as much damage limitation as I could in the remaining 7.5 hours.

She eventually rolled in; the drama of the weekend seemingly quelled enough to leave her  daughter home alone. It was only then She said that she'd agreed to her daughter's friends coming over. *facepalm* (More on this later)

To the flat at lunchtime; KRE1 has scrawled his name on the door surround, the painting is a work in progress, and I need to take photos sometime soon (this week) for the website.

And the final round of work' I didn't quite clear my tray but I couldn't care less. There's nothing pressing (until I get back that is) I'm supposed to be getting new hardware whilst off but no one has contacted me before leaving so the laptop is locked up, my work phone beside it and my out of office is on. See you later innovator.

A quick drink and peace before heading up to view the devastation. 

And devastation it was. Indoor water fight, mop broken, drill out, kitchen drawer fronts pulled off, condom hidden in living room, toilet brush behind the sofa (!!!!), vodka finished, beer can bizarrely popped and then put back in the fridge with 3 sips taken out of it - I mean - get rid of the evidence??? Leaving an open beer in the fridge - what do you think anyone who finds that is going to think? Money missing... oh and plenty more. 
So yeah. 

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