
By MumOf4Wildlings


My biggest wildling has been getting up throughout the night the last 3 night's. When he's awake he can be awake for hour's. I never let him go downstairs or anything. But when he eventually does go back over I can never get back to sleep. So I've been awake since 3am and it's been a busy day so far.

Before we went to pick my niece and nephew up from school I just happened to see inside the biggest Wildlings mouth and his tonsils are all angry, red , swollen and covered in white spots. He never ever feels when he has tonsillitis. This is 9th time this year. His doctor is amazed that he cannot feel it. He still eats and run's round and is never unwell with it. He had a temperature of 42 when he was younger with it and it was a hospital job again. I don't always get him antibiotics as I don't want him becoming immune to them. But I have phoned and ordered him a prescription this time. This could explain why he's been getting up and not sleeping.

I'm hoping tonight that he sleeps through as I'm so tired.

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