There's always a game

For this little fellow, anything, just anything can be a game...   And his brother will almost always join in!

This evening's fun was the cabinets that have been taken off the walls by Grandpa - they were turned into 'houses', with the doors closed as they somehow curled up inside them.  SUCH fun for them. 

The eldest has to go to hospital tomorrow morning, so I'm about to spend a little while downloading all kinds of things from cbeebies to keep him occupied - and try to stop him thinking about how he hasn't been able to eat.  Got a few nice things for him today for him to have after his operation.   Can't say I'm looking forward to it all, especially when they put him under the aesthetic.  Strict instructions from work to put an out of office on saying I would not be answering emails - which I'm very happy to have done!  

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